BeccaBear's Blog

The cat’s pajamas

Tag Archives: art


I am pretty stoked and pleased with this drawing! I believe its one of my better ones πŸ™‚


This is Hitsugi from the japanese visual kei band Nightmare. After several attempts at drawing him for the past ~er~ 9 years I think I finally managed it!

Small update

My November Ipsy and Popsugar box reviews are sitting in draft form right now. I have to get on my laptop to surf the web and create links otherwise my poor phone will probably die. But my laptop is just so far away and that is so much effort… Ugh. They are coming though no worries!! In the mean time enjoy some pictures




I made my very own phone case for the first time last night! It was so much fun I’m going to make more. I already have a couple people requesting I make them one (ah!). Really easy to do just go to the jewelry section of your local craft store, buy jewels and charms you like, don’t forget to grab special plastic/ metal craft glue (Ill edit this with what I used when I get home), purchase a clear phone case (got mine on Amazon for $2) and just arrange your charms to your liking and glue! Rhinestones are a great idea to grab for filling spaces too. Im not too sure I like the bows on the side was thinking of pulling them off and rhinestoning it up. What’s your thought on it?


A coworker of mine wanted a tattoo drawn up so Im giving this to her Tuesday. A little nervous even though because I just hate disappointing people! So I hope its what she was thinking of πŸ™‚ If not I guess its back to the drawing board.


This is a wip (that I need to fix) of Hitsugi from the visual kei band, Nightmare. You probably think Im weird, but he’s a damn good looking guy, VK or not, in my opinion. Started working on it this saturday but I had to leave my sketch book at work to give coworker the hummingbird picture above. Feeling a little naked and sad without it even though I don’t draw much during the week.



Princess Tofu got spayed Monday! Shes so sad with her cone of shame but somehow still managed to be amazingly photogenic (weird). Shes doing well she keeps licking at her belly but Russell and I have been keeping a good eye on her.


Totally digging my makeup this day I was so pleased with the outcome. So of course I had to share. Tutorial maybe of this one soon?


Anyone else a fan of these books? Well, I saw the new movie, Catching Fire, Thursday night and I must say I was not disappointed in the slightest. As a matter of fact Im going to see it at least two more times before it leaves theaters. They fixed a few of the minor flaws from the first movie AND the camera motion. I don’t know about you but I was feeling a little queezy with a chance of on coming migraine from the jerky camera in the first one. I get that they probably thought “it will be like running next to Katniss the whole time!” But really you only succeeded in killing my vision and head. Thanks for the amazing improvement!

40 random topics later and my “small update” is done.

Hope everyone is having an amazing day!

Much like Lemony Snickets

I feel like this drawing went through a series of unfortunate events (╯ˍ╰) but I have made it close enough to my liking.


This handsome fellow is an artist/ aspiring musician from Sweden named Yoru!! Due to some misfortune his musical career is on hold at the moment so take a minute to click the link above, check out his blog and send him some sweet lovin’ in the form of comments/ likes/ follows!

Panda lovin’


Progress shot


My Christmas Art Challenge is on hold seeing as I’m a procrastinator and this panda took forever! In addition to the panda I did one other doodle (because my heart is aching for Halloween D’:):


Which one of my sister-in-laws is apparently getting a tattoo of! I feel completely honored!

Popsugar box and ipsy reviews coming soon my boxes are on the way!


Pictures say a thousand words…

That’s probably one of my favorite says because I love taking pictures and sharing them with people (instagram is my social media weakness…). So, I though for tonight’s post I would share some pictures.


This is my little photogenic princess, Tofu. You may think that is an odd name for a cat until you meet her brother Cheeseburger.


Equally photogenic and accurately named.


This is not him as a kitten, but I’m pretty sure something along these lines happened before he came into my life.


And just for a size comparison here you go. Tofu is a little bigger now (shes only 6 months, Cheeseburger is 6 years) but they still differ in size greatly.

They are my four legged little monsters and I can’t imagine life without them.

Next topic: Food.


I have been going on an epic journey to teach myself how to cook more than Macaroni and Cheese. This asparagus was pretty delicious (I never made it myself before) covered in pepper, a little butter, salt, garlic, parsley and topped with lemon juice it was pretty tasty. Too much lemon juice though, next time it will be better!


This pizza makes me hungry just thinking about it! It was amazing! I bought a pre-made crust (cheating) put some olive oil and garlic salt on the crust then added diced tomatoes, pesto, sundried tomatoes, garlic, feta, fresh grated mozzarella cheese, and topped artichoke hearts. Delicious.

And now: Makeup!


I just really liked my makeup this day. I have a few others I need to get off my instagram to share (if you want to check some of them out you can go to my page and there is a link to the right ;)) Want a tutorial? Yay or nay?

And of course Art~


Ahhhhh so many dots! I have never tried this style of art before it was quite fun though. This one is kind of unfinished I was intending on getting an orange sharpie and doing more but it turned out pretty good in just black as well and I’m slacking on the art.


This was probably the last thing I drew, Halloween related of course. I love Halloween its my favorite holiday and time of year<3 This was just a random doodle.

And last but not least:


Here are some of my coworkers and myself celebrating halloween! We were supposed to be the skeleton crew (pay no attention to the ghost) I made my own shirt though and it was so much fun! Now I have an awesome skull shirt to wear on the daily πŸ˜‰ The back is cut out to look like a spine, ribs and scapula.

Fun fact of the day: November 8, 1895 X-rays were discovered! Which happens to be tomorrow (or maybe today depending on where you are from and when you are reading this!) So happy x-ray day!!!! Glad it was invented because I absolutely love my job πŸ™‚

And there you have it, a couple thousand words for you. Hope you enoyed<3

Progress: The Doctor and River

Progress shot of The Doctor and River for my Christmas Art Challenge! This one is for my sister Ill be coloring it with colored pencils once I go buy some new ones ;). David Bowie is not yet complete either will post a picture of that as well once its complete. Time to go to the art store! My favorite<3


You remind me of the babe

“The babe with the power.”

Anyone else ask this beautiful man to take away your younger sibling?


Not complete but too excited not to share! This will be a present for one of my very good friends! Still needs highlights in the orb and a few in other places. I will be decorating the picture frame it sits in as well so when all is said and done I will post the finished product :).

On another note I am starting my own Christmas Art Challenge and I think all you artist out there should do the same!

I picked five very important people to me and their favorite person/ pet/ thing. The challenge is to have five works of art to give as gifts for christmas.

I thought of the idea because I want to expand on my artistic talents.

So I have:
a famous singer/actor (Bowie- for my friend Kasce)
a famous acting couple (The Doctor and River- for my sister)
a pet (my mom’s pitbull Dozer- for my mom)
a real couple (my Nana who recently passed and her late husband for my Papa/ their son)
and last, but not least, something from a computer game (League of Legends for my fiance, Russell)

One down four to go and two and a half months to finish it all! I know what I’ll be doing at work on Saturdays πŸ˜‰

Tag “Christmas Art Challenge” if you decide to do this and I will follow you to keep up! Ill even reblog :)! And remember it does not have to be a drawing you could use photography or some other craft! Its a great idea for gifts and it really comes from the heart!

Life and art

Life is one giant gamble.

If you have something good but you aspire for more, is there a sign to hit or stay?

On that note here is some art!


This is of course Buddha. For reference picture just google image “buddha.” I tried a different style for this that my usual all done in permanent marker and instead of normal shading I used a dotting technique (it’s called something; The name has slipped my mind). Im not very good at it YET! Practice makes perfect so Im sure I will try again.


And this BEAUTIFUL lady is named Rose Shock (reference pictures on instagram under username Roseshock). I love her makeup, style and artistic talent she is pretty amazing. This of course inspired me to draw her so here you go enjoy!




I included the unfiltered and filtered version of my finished product of Miyavi.

He is a visual kei, japanese samurai guitarist. I have a huge amount of respect for him and his ability to expertly shred on guitar in his own slap style. He has the best stage presence of any musical artist I have ever seen.

He is my musical hero.

Check out his music if you have not already!

Excuses are like Butt Holes

Sorry for the lack of post due to my limited phone data, new work schedule and newest addition to my small cat family, I havent had the opportunity to write anything. Look forward to a few new makeup tutorials, artwork, travels to New Orleans and random thoughts as soon as my data resets in five days. Around that time I should be able to resume a normal work schedule and my babies are now getting along!

To keep the suspense going here are pictures of my cats and a wip of my latest creation of Miyavi!


The dark huge one is Cheeseburger and the little white one is my newest addition, Tofu.

I got Cheeseburger (formally Elvis) 4 years ago at this size, maybe bigger, from a friend of my mom. He is the love of my life and I adore him<3 No, he does not have diabetes. He is 21 1/2 pounds.

Tofu is my little baby girl. She was wondering around my friends neighborhood for about a month she is the sweetest kitten I have ever met though. She was born approximately on my little brothers birthday (April 13th) is 4 1/2 pounds and tested negative for feline leukemia at her appointment today! Ironically I was going to make a post about pets being like children the night I got her. I’m sure the post will make it here soon.
Miyavi Ishihara is my favorite Japanese musical artist! He has AMAZING stage presence and I have been listening to his music since his solo career took flight when I was still in highschool. Such a beautiful man with a beautiful family! Check out his music!