BeccaBear's Blog

The cat’s pajamas

Tag Archives: Anxiety


The amount of anxiety inside my mind and body feels like it’s oozing out bit by bit. I can’t seem to put my finger on exactly what is bothering me but I can take a guess it has something to do with my relationship, as that’s the only reason I get really anxious like this. Read more of this post


Everything will be alright.

But what if it’s not?

It will be. You’re over thinking again.

Or you’re under thinking.

I need a distraction from your negativity. Something to calm my mind.

I’ll be waiting. I have the patients of a saint, you know.

I can run from your words.

I am also a tracker. I will hunt you faster than you can run.

I will cover my ears.

I will scream louder.

I won’t believe you.

Won’t you?

I am stronger than your words.

My words are your thoughts.

The thoughts I don’t want to hear.
Don’t want to know.
Don’t want to believe.

Then, why are you having them?

Everyone has doubts and worries.

You just have more.

I am stronger than you.

Sure you are. And everything will be alright.

… But what if it’s not….

Now, we are getting somewhere.